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[pullquote align=”left”]Stress is perceived in the mind, suffered in the human spirit, experienced via the emotions, expressed in behaviour, and “held” in the body.
– Anon [/pullquote]

Stresswise promotes wellness by education people about the signs and symptoms of stress and challenging its root causes. Clients gain understanding why some stress is both beneficial and essential to life and performance and why too much is destructive to health and performance. Therefore, they learn how to manage and harness stress for optimum health and success through stress management coaching. By helping people become more knowledgeable about stress, they can learn skills that enable them to exercise control over their responses in a given situation. Once they have learned enough self-awareness and basic stress management skills, they can choose how to effectively manage stressors that we are constantly subjected to in an ever demanding, challenging and changing world.

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One to One Stress Management

In a friendly, comfortable and private atmosphere, one-to-one consultations can help with all stress related difficulties, therefore enabling you to gain greater control of your situation, your emotions and your life back on track.
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Corporate Stress Management

Improve workplace moral, rapport, motivation, and communication and leadership skills. This will help reduced workplace absenteeism and help create a more productive, dynamic and successful work-force.

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Stress Management Workshops

A stress management workshop is aimed at people who may frequently experience mild to moderate stress and who want to make positive changes in their lives. They can learn and develop skills that enable them to become more confident, successful and resilient to stress.
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School & College Stress Management

Stresswise provides a stress management service for schools & Colleges, which enables students and staff to understand about the biology of stress, the signs and symptoms of stress and stress management.
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Member of International Stress Management Association

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[testimonial name=”Adrian Martin” position=”Head of Catering” company=”Bournemouth College”]

Dear Mike,

Just to let you that I have put you name forward for future talks on stress & management techniques’ to other departments. My students from the catering division loved it and thought it was much more interesting than they had first anticipated it to be; furthermore, I had forgotten to tell them that you would be coming in to do a talk on stress and a hand full were initially a little disgruntled , but as I say, afterwards they all said that they loved it.

Will touch base with you soon

Kind Regards



[testimonial name=”Dave Wilcox” position=”Health Education officer” company=”Dorset Fire & Rescue Service”]

To Mike Kempton of Stresswise. We found your presentations on stress management for shift workers (with emphasis on circadian rhythms / biological clock),a real eye opener ! Both groups, retained and whole time personnel thoroughly enjoyed the talks, which was clearly evident from all the positive feedback we received. We would certainly use you again and would highly recommend you.



[testimonial name=”Mike XXXXX” position=”Ringwood” company=”Hants”]

Thank you so much for all your support. I have learned so much about stress management and had no idea it covered so many subjects and have no doubt that my recovery was supported greatly by all your input. Every time after we talked I always felt better in myself and more contented , not just about my treatment, but about everything. I will always try and see things differently & definitely learn more about nutrition & exercise. I will stay in touch and let you know how I get on; thanks once again for everything.

Best Wishes


Read more testimonials here




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